Vadim Serebryany

recitalist, concerto soloist, chamber musician

Vadim Serebryany

Vadim Serebryany has been acclaimed by audiences and critics on five continents for his sensitive and intelligent music making.

Mr. Serebryany has been highly sought after as a recitalist, concerto soloist and chamber musician. He has performed in Europe, South America, Australia and throughout North America, and in 2008 completed his eighthconsecutive recital tour of Japan. In recent seasons Mr. Serebryany has embarked on many interesting and challenging projects, including performing the complete Beethoven sonatas for piano and violin, as well as presenting various solo and chamber works of the Second Viennese School composers in creative programs. In recent seasons, he has been a guest soloist with the National Arts Center Orchestra, The Kingston Symphony, the Osaka Century Orchestra, and Montgomery Symphony Orchestra.

Mr. Serebryany has collaborated with such prominent artists as David Geringas, Mark Morris, Gary Reylea, Suren Bagratuni, Eugene Osadchy, Mayumi Seiler, Almita Vamos, the American String Quartet, the Enso Quartet, and the Glenn Gould String Quartet. In 2007 he and Mr. Kawasaki made their recital debut at Carnegie Hall.

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Contactez nous

Lundi au jeudi de 10h à 16h

Heures du festival : 21 juillet à 4 août, 10h à 16h

4 rue Florence, bureau 201

Ottawa ON K2P 0W7 Canada


Ottawa Chamberfest est situé sur le territoire non cédé et non abandonné de la nation algonquine Anishinaabe.

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